13 Moons & 13 Faces of the Goddess
I encourage you to join me
in this sacred workshop
awaken to live the dream!
A Sacred 13 Month Journey
Discover the Goddess Within
Exploring 13 Archetypes of Woman on the Path of Wholeness
Do you yearn for a sacred place
to commune with your inner depths...
desire an experienced guide
who will safely lead you on an amazing adventure
of self-discovery into the hidden realms of your psyche
where the Goddess dwells?
In your dreams,
are you the brave woman
facing change, transformation and incredible possibility?
The one who fearlessly trusts
that the divine feminine holds your dream seeds
within her sacred womb space
until you are ready to give birth to them?
If you long to awaken the slumbering
while learning to recognize and re-member
the many faces of the Goddess within your own precious self...
If you wish to become the goddess you envision yourself to be...
As with all journeys,
this workshop is not for the faint of heart,
but for those seeking
deeper meaning, purpose and truth in their life.
This workshop is symbolic of looking into a mirror
and seeing into the depths of the divine feminine soul.
You will be forever changed and empowered.
And, like the journey itself - soul retrieval requires time:
to reach beyond the surface
to embrace the truest essence of who we are.
The 13 Moons and 13 Faces of the Goddess Workshop
Requires a 13 Month Commitment.
Are you ready to embark on a sacred journey?
A Sacred Journey Follows a Labyrinth Path
In 2003, I sat down to write a quick meditation for the women in my Sistar Circle, but the Goddess had another plan for me. What began with a moments inspiration, unfolded into a three day writing spree. The meditation I envisioned desired to be a journey through thirteen archetypes of woman. Words flowed from the ink in my pen onto paper, as if I were in a trance --------
The imagery evoked a dream state into another realm. Some 56 pages later, the meat and bones of this unique and sacred workshop were fleshed out before my eyes. It was a sacred journey I embarked upon, and one in which I have never returned. It is an enchanting path I follow. And now, I desire to share it with you, my sistars of the earth and sea and sky.
Every month during this journey we will focus on a different aspect. Each monthly lesson consists of an introduction to one of 13 archetypes, as well as many sensual activities to awaken the goddess energies within (which include: dress, food, attitude, creative expression, affirmations, symbolism, journaling, play, art work, body care, questions to ponder and journal, etc.). I, also,
assist you in creating an evolving personal altar, and will guide you in ritual to inspire the manifestation of your sacred intentions into reality.
While you journey around the wheel of the year each month, you may recognize the many faces of the Goddess (whether from the distant past, in the moment of NOW or in the near future) as your own. Every woman reflects the Goddess! As you embody the many faces of the Goddess, you will soon discover the goddess within yourself. You will come to remember your true essence and recognize your own original face. Each Goddess will speak to you and offer valuable insight. At some point, you may become aware that one Goddess speaks to you and resonates with you more profoundly than the others. She may become your guiding Goddess; working with you on deeper levels long after the workshop has drawn its conclusion. It is a powerful experience to be intimately connected with the divine.
It is my sincere hope that you will be enchanted by the depth of wisdom you find within yourself, and that this experience will be a blessing that echoes within your being for long, long years to follow.
Come and explore the many ways the goddess manifests within your life, your psyche and your very being. You will find truth in the personal expressions of her energies; some you may already
possess, others you need only to re-claim. Together, we will delve into thirteen aspects of the divine feminine by working with the ancient and forever renewing archetypes of the Great Goddess.
Step into the Mystery
Begin the Journey Now.
Become the Goddess
You are Longing to See
in the Mirror.
She Awaits!
The Journey Begins
1 February 2014
$ 650.00
Online Workshop. 13 Months (February 2014 - February 2015).
Written and Facilitated by the Gypsy Priestess. All rights reserved.
When you are ready to pay for your purchases, please open 'My Shopping Cart', (located at the menu bar) to check out. Thank you!
* a monthly email newsletter *
Each newsletter is an Introduction dedicated to one of the 13 archetypal aspects of the divine goddess within all women. Our sacred focus is to awaken the goddess within, by exploring the wisdom of our divine feminine essence.
Each monthly newsletter is written in an easy to read format. It summerizes who the featured archetype is within every woman, by sharing her individual energy, essence, aspects, themes, story, needs, lessons, challenges, season/cycle, symbols, attitude, fears, affirmations, as well as thirteen unique Goddesses who demonstrate her power in ways that we can easily and fully embrace in our own life.
* I also send an Moon in Review Newsletter at the end of every month to tie everything we learned together. It includes a simple bonus craft and an archetypal colouring page.
* a private online social network
The Sanctuary is a secluded place, where only the women who have signed up for this workshop are permitted entrance. It is the sacred space where the workshop is held, and where I will guide you on your journey for the 13 months. The Gypsy Priestess Speaks, is a dedicated blog 'room' where I share (post) all my teachings, creative assignments, homework assignments, journal questions, and all the Goddesses, individually, with you. So that you do not become over whelmed, I have devoted a full moon to each archetype. This allows for you to flow through the entire month with the offerings, at your own pace. I also, lovingly offer guidiance by creating a ritual and altar, a ceremony, a guided visualization and a prayer.
It is my pleasure to offer inspiration by sharing poetry, a photo challenge and an abundance of ideas which will spark your desire to embrace the practice of self love and to set aside time for play. There are far too many wonderful and magickal offerings to share in detail here, but you will be delighted by the fun and practical ways to bring her energies and wisdom into your daily life.
The Sanctuary itself is a castle-like chamber, where I have created space for you to participate with all the other women attending. I have embellished it beautifully with vast rooms to explore and spend time in, as well as your own private chambers, to adorn as you desire. You will have your own profile page. You may come and go as you please. It is a lovely and safe space to unveil the goddess within.
* a closed facebook group
Only the women participating in this workshop are invited to join this group. It is completely
private for all members, as no one even knows it exists. You will find it an intimate space to share your journey, as you get to know one another. Since the workshop is intensive, lasting over a year, we all form strong, enduring bonds of sisterhood. This space is unlimited. You may visit when ever you like, share whatever you desire to, and ask for aid or assistance on any topic. It is amazing how lovingly embraced, accepted and honored each woman is made to feel in the space.
* an exclusive journey meditation
Channeled through me in 2003 by the Great Mother. Every month I will guide you through one of the 13 sacred doorways into the realm of archetypal woman, where you may return with new insight, wisdom and a treasured gift of your choosing.
Look in the ancient mirror.
Don't you wish to see your original face?
The Goddess Awaits
to Reveal Herself and
to Shine Through Your Reflection!
I am so delighted you are embarking
upon this sacred journey with me!
1 February 2014