* The Gypsy Priestess
high priestess | artist | writer | teacher | dreamer | wise woman | maiden | mother |
spiritual midwife | queen | crone | mistress | gardener | star gazer | poet | wanderer | weaver | gatherer |moonlit dancer | she | mystic | enchantress | mystery | goddess |
handmaiden | alchemist | petal | lover |
chalice | wild woman | healer | bloodsister |
She who flows with the cycles and seasons.
She who lives by the phases of the moon.
She who honors the way of life.death.rebirth.
Daughter of the earth and sea and sky.
We are all wanderers on this earth.
Our hearts are full of wonder,
and our souls are deep with dreams.
Gypsy proverb
A Message to You from the Gypsy Priestess:
Hello darling,
It's a delight to share my heart and soul with you. As you will discover, I am passionately and wholly dedicated to the Goddess. It is my mission to empower women to remember
who they are and assist them in reclaiming their true power!
The Goddess embraced me from the beginning. She speaks
to my soul. She beholds my very essence and blesses me with Her wisdom. I live as a goddess. Her many faces are my
own. She speaks ancient truth. She hears my prayers. She
is multi-faceted; mysterious and enchanting, powerful and
wise, ever changing, yet forever the same.
She Who is Divine speaks and moves through me in ways
both mystical and tangible. I am a Priestess of the Great Goddess Inanna. She chose me so very long ago... I have been following Her soulsong upon my path of beauty for
well over 23 years. She imparts something profoundly spiritual into my life.
She offers deep insight into my psyche, keeps me ever
mindful of my strengths and beauty, teaches me the hidden
ways of the sacred sisterhood, and gently and magickally
enlightens me daily.
Remember, sweet sistar, the Goddess lives through each
and every woman. As creatrix and founder of Goddess of
the Gypsy Moon, I write and facilitate workshops and gatherings for women of all ages. I invite you to explore
my website and the many offerings I share. It is my most sincere desire that my abundant gifts and teachings will
inspire you to fully embody Her divine presence in your
own life.
I look forward to being of service to you as you walk your
own unique and sacred path of beauty. May the time you
spend here unfold and blossom in ways that embrace, heal
and transform you with love.
Infinite blessings & bliss,
Leesa, the Gypsy Priestess