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The Divine Feminine resides within
all women. She is innate within our being. Our essence and Hers is one.
Even as a young girl, I felt the Goddess within my body, mind and being. She would fill my heart with deep compassion when I witnessed the pain, sorrow and fear of others. Being highly intuitive, empathic and sensitive, it has always been easy for me to feel Her. It is my great joy and honor to
open myself up to Her love and spiritual essence;
and to channel Her love, wisdom and profound compassion for the benefit of others.
If you have a question or a problem..... If you need guidance or support.... If your heart aches ... If you are overcome with fear or doubt... Whatever your current situation, the Goddess listens. She hears the words you cannot speak. She knows you from the very depths of your being. Ask, and SHE will listen. She speaks from a place of divine love. Ask and listen for Her voice. She speaks to all who will listen. Yet, if you are having a difficult time being still long enough to hear, perhaps I can assist you.
I hear Her voice; the Goddess speaks through me.
If you are of pure heart and intention, I will be honored to beseech Her on your bequest. I have no way of knowing what She will speak, but Her Truth, Light and Love always come through clear and offer sweet blessings. May it be so for you.
Please use the form below to ask what you will of the Goddess. Your submitted request is treated with the upmost honor and respect. I will protect your privacy and will keep your confidence, by not sharing your information with anyone, ever. May the words channeled through me be a true blessing for you. namaste
The Goddess Listens & Speaks...
Do you long to bare your soul to the
divine? Are you seeking a blessed communion with the Goddess? Is there some wisdom you desire,
or some guidance you need?
May the Goddess bless you abundantly.
May She embrace you with love...